Top Alpha Is Sending Rated R Pics To Minor?

 So since yesterday a rumor has been spreading around the community about the Top alpha sending nude pics to minors, ever since then people have been flooding my inbox asking me if this is true. In this Article, I will set the record straight, I will cover on how this came about, what kind of facts and proofs have been given, and if this is actually true.

So this all began yesterday, I was doing my quest in Legend Mountain, I had to kill 6 crocodiles you know easy stuff. When out of no where, The Weeknd joins and sends a message to the room chat saying "topalpha sent a d***k to an 13 y o spread the messagethereisproof" in this exact form. And then left as mysteriously as he came. For those of you who don't know who The Weeknd is, he is a player in the +4m cp server known to join a room and kill everyone, then leaves. 

Finding this hilarious at the time, I immediately took a screenshot of the allegation and went on social media to tease the TOP alpha. Upon our discussion, the alpha let me know that they were aware of the situation as this was not the first time they had heard of this. I then received a screen shot from the alpha.

In this screenshot, you can see another player who is also from the +4m server Peanut making the same accusations. Now lets observe this a little bit closer. First thing you can notice from this picture is the way the statement is written
It is exactly the same way it was written from the screenshot I took from The Weeknd, word for word, same spelling mistakes and spacing. The other thing you can notice is this person is coming in and leaving as soon as they make the statement. It's obvious that this is actually the same player who copied and pasted this sentence using other peoples name to spread false rumors. Another thing also, is the way this person comes in and out the room right away. If these allegations were true, the person would stay and prove their points along with giving the room information on how to get the proof instead of fleeing. 

Now the main reason why this rumor is false is because... the TOP alpha is actually a girl. Her name is Suffer. She currently plays with a 9k wolf and some times changes her gender to male for fun. 

Here you can see Suffer being denned by me using the male symbol.

As you may know, if these rumors were true about TOP I would be the first to expose them, because of our in game rivalry. However they are not, and no matter what the circumstances, I dont approve or encourage fake rumors no matter who it is as they can affect the player outside the game. 

Make sure you tune in at 3PM on my Youtube to watch me make the TOP Alpha rage quit. 


  1. The weekend is a pus lmaoo I wouldn't believe anything he has to say.. Seen him denned a few times

  2. top pack is so annoying

  3. imma add the god too we will kill TOP together ahhaahaha


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